IFEEA is an emergent international forum for practitioners, educators and scholars in the growing field of eco-embodied arts.

London N15; Photo Thomas Kampe

IFEEA  aims to widen and support access, participation, connections and exchanges across and beyond lands, skies, seas, abilities, cultures and disciplines

The forum promotes the cultivation of an ethics and aesthetics of care and response-ability.

Punti di Fuga’ Tharandt 2015 Photo Konrad Behr

As curators, makers, educators and scholars we are collaborating with professional, academic and community oriented organisations across the globe. We are excited about developing our network with a growing community of partners.


It does this by creating spaces for gathering, sharing, developing and embodying arts-based eco-oriented knowledges.

Through partnership with relevant organisations, IFEEA seeks to develop and strengthen practices, discourse, participation and networks through activities at local, regional and global levels.

These include socially engaged and community-based gatherings, mentoring schemes, curatorial formats, residencies, workshops and symposia, publications, and an open access resource and database of practitioners.

Mads Floor Anderson; Photo Minou T. Polleros

            Tiago Gambogi ; Brumadinho MG Brazil 2022 Photo Daniela Diniz